Electromagnetic radiation emitting devices such as mobile phones, Bluetooth, PDA’s, Computers, Tablets, Laptops and so on, have been linked to various stress-induced problems and serious illnesses.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Cell phone radiation DOES harm your baby and may cause hyperactivity, study says

By 7:09:00 PM
Attention pregnant women: put down your cellphone.

Cellphone radiation exposure during pregnancy impacts fetal brain development and may cause hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers say.

Dr. Hugh Taylor, a medical professor and chief of Yale's Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, co-authored a recent study to probe the impact of cellphone exposure on pregnancies.
Warning: Cellphone radiation exposure during pregnancy impacts fetal brain development and may cause hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers say 

We had pregnant mice in cages and we just simply put a cellphone on top of the cage.

In half the mice, the cellphone was active and in half of the ... cages the cellphone was turned off so it wasn't transmitting a signal at all,' Taylor said.
Taylor said the researchers allowed the mice to give birth and waited until offspring were young adults before behaviors were tested.

'The mice exposed to cellphones were more active,' Taylor said. 'Their memory was slightly decreased ... these mice were basically bouncing off the walls and didn't have a care in the world.'

New Study Reveals What 15 Minutes On Your Cell Phone Actually Does To Your Brain

A common trend in recent human history is this: we think something isn’t harmful, but find out it really is years after its introduction into the global marketplace. Cigarettes are the most obvious example, but the use of cell phones may very well become just as vilified.

We now live in an era where children born today are introduced to cell phones and other electronics almost instantly, and the very first cell phone generation is now reaching adulthood.

They haven’t been around long enough for us to see any harmful consequences fully materialize, but there is more than enough information out there validating what seem to be innumerable concerns over cellphone usage.

A recent clinical study was published in PLoS One which looks at this very issue. Titled “EEG Changes Due to Experimentally Induced 3g Mobile Phone Radiation,” it has revealed how cell phone technology disrupts brain activity in numerous ways. The study concluded that:

Significant radiation effects were found for the alpha, slowbeta  fastbeta, and gamma bands … The results support the notion that EEG alterations are associated with mobile phone usage and that the effect is dependent on site of placement. (source)

The study did mention that further studies are required to demonstrate the physiological relevance of these findings, but the fact that a cell phone can do this to one’s brain wave activity is alarming. These devices are powerful, and electrophysiological changes occurred in nearly the entire brain’s structure/function.

Even though it is now common knowledge that cell phone radiation is powerful enough to disrupt sensitive equipment within an airplane (think: airplane mode) or hospital, there is still resistance to acknowledging it may adversely affect the human brain, an electrical impulse sensitive organ. – Sayer Ji, Founder, Greenmedinfo.com 

The “resistance” does not make much sense, does it? Especially given the fact that multiple scientists from around the world have warned us, and continue to warn us about the dangers associated with cell phone usage and other commonly used electronic devices (laptops, desktops, etc.).

According to Dr. Devra Davis, director of the Centre for Environmental Oncology of UPCI, it is an irrefutable fact that “cell phone signals are absorbed deeply into the brain,” the longterm consequences of which are yet to be discovered. (source)

Scientists from around the world have even made an international appeal to the United Nations to consider the dangers of various electromagnetic emitting devices.

For example, HERE is a video from Dr. Martin Blank (part of the group of scientists mentioned in the above paragraph), Ph.D., from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Colombia University explaining these dangers.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) also classified radio frequency fields (including those from cell phones) as a possible carcinogen in 2011. (source)  The dangers of cell phone use gained a lot of mainstream credibility in 2011 when the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted that cell phone radiation may cause cancer. 

The statement was the result of a cumulative decision made by a team of 31 scientists from 14 different countries after reviewing the available evidence.

If you think about the young people in our world, it’s truly distressing to know that a child’s brain absorbs cell phone radiation more quickly than the brain of an adult.

15 minutes on your cell phone can alter brain structure and function

(NaturalNews) A new clinical study has found that just 15 minutes of cell phone talk time radiation exposure can alter the structure and function of the brain, including brain wave activity that is connected to cognition, mood and behavior.

Thirty-one healthy females took part in the study, published in PLOS ONE; all participants were measured twice. On one of the days, the mobile phone was attached to the women’s ears with a sham phone being placed on their chests.

On the other day, the mobile phone was attached to the chest and the sham phone to the ear. During each assessment, EEG activity and radio-frequency radiation were recorded.

Significant results when cell phone placed next to the ear

The study found significant results when the cell phone was placed next to the ear. The studies authors concluded that “the results support the notion that EEG alterations are associated with mobile phone usage and that the effect is dependent on site of placement.”

This is the first placebo-controlled, single-blind study of its kind to show that as little as 15 minutes of 3G cell phone exposure directly to the ear “is associated with increased activity of the alpha, beta, and gamma frequency bands in nearly every brain region.”

Far-reaching implications on health

The implications of this research are far reaching. Since brain waves are believed to determine behavior, altering brain wave activity could affect behavior and consciousness. The ability of cell phone radiation to affect behavior has been suspected for a long time.

Real estate agent Alan Marks suffered a seizure caused by a brain tumor located next to where he held his cell phone. He began to exhibit behavioral changes several years prior to the incident.

The behavioral changes were thought to be caused by the tumor developing in the part of the brain related to empathy and reason.

Previous research from the Brain Science Institute, Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, found that cell phone radiation significantly boosted alpha waves in the brain.

Another study carried out by the Loughborough University Sleep Research Centre in England found that, not only could cell phone radiation alter a person’s behavior during the call, but brain-wave patterns continued to be disrupted long afterwards. Some of the test subjects had difficulty falling asleep.

Fears about the health effects of 4G phones

Fourth generation (4G) cell phone technology is gaining in popularity rapidly; they rely on a standard that is part of the evolution of 3G. The advantage of 4G is that it offers users significantly increased data rates.

The downside is that this increased performance may come at a price to your health.
A 2013 study found that 30 minutes of exposure to 4G cell phone radiation may alter brain wave activity even more than the 3G technology observed in the present study.

The 4G radiation exposures were found to affect brain activity on both sides of the brain.

Why is it only now that we are hearing about the potentially lethal effects of cell phone radiation?

Many of the studies on cell phone exposure come up either null or inconclusive. Why is this? According to an independent study carried out by Dr. Andrew Marino, 87% of brain wave studies looking at the effects of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones are funded by the telecommunications industry.

Dr. Devra Davis in her book Disconnect lays the blame fairly and squarely at the telecoms industry, accusing them of war-gaming the science in much the same way that tobacco companies and GMO corporations like Monsanto do.

Facts About Radiation In Phones

Dr Charlie Teo (head of neurosurgery at Sydney St. Vincent’s Hospital) and other doctors believe that there is a direct correlation between the use of mobile phones and brain tumours.

Long term exposure affects the body, particularly its electrical organ, and the brain, which is compounded by numerous simultaneous exposures of continuous waves of radiation from radio, TV transmitter towers, cordless phones, power lines and wireless WIFI computing devices.

There is a significant and increasing body of evidence, to date at least eight comprehensive clinical studies internationally and one long-term meta-analysis for a link between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumours.

The “incubation time” may be in the order of 10-20 years. In the years 2008-2012, we will have reached the appropriate length of follow-up time to begin to definitively observe the impact of this global technology on brain tumour incidence rates.

There is enough evidence available to warrant Industry and Governments alike to take immediate steps to reduce exposure of consumers to mobile phone related electromagnetic radiation and to make consumers clearly aware of the potential dangers and how to use this technology sensibly and safely.

The public health ramifications could be similar, if not greater than asbestos and smoking and directly concerns all of us, particularly the younger generation.

Because of our concern, we searched the world to find an effective product to help harmonize the level of EMR and EMF being emitted from mobile telephones, computers, televisions, microwaves and other home and office systems.  We found these:

Tips on Safer Phone Usage

1. Do not sleep with mobile phone in your bedroom as it continuously emits phones give off 216.7 Hz of radiation continuously?

2. Always use your Mobile Cell iPhone on hands free or speak phone. Still not ideal, however, better than holding phone 5/8ths of an inch from your ear as all phone manufacturers recommend.

3. Cordless phones emit more radiation than mobiles; limit your time on the phone. The cordless phone base station is the equivalent to having a Cell Phone Tower in your home!

4. Do not store your iPhone or Smart phone anywhere on your body, such as in your suit pocket (over your heart), pants pocket (over your testicles) or back pocket (over you hip joints), and certainly not in the pram or anywhere near babies heads (as their thin skulls are way more susceptible to radiation). 
Keep your iPhone or Smart Phone in bag or place it into something.

5. Do not let young children play with your iPhone or Smart phone, or keep them occupied by talking or listening to them – not even the Games component unless there is no active SIM card or it is on Flight Mode.

6. Try not to use earpieces as they can act as a conduit to for radiation and EMF to travel directly to the ear and brain.

7. EMR and EMF has an accumulative effect on our bodies and become addictive. It is like smoking – try to be as aware as possible.
Showing Heat when with phone radiation to head

Cell phones radiation is making headlines again ...

Beginning today, potential cell phone buyers in Berkeley, California will be greeted by a salesperson and a warning concerning potential radiation exposure. 
Under the Right to Know ordinance passed unanimously by the Berkeley City Council back in May, cell phone retailers are required to inform consumers that by carrying a cell phone on your person (in your shirt pocket, pants, or bra), “You may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure.” 
The warning further states, “The potential risk is greater for children.”

Already, there are federal regulations in place meant to warn cell phone users of the limits of safe radiation that can be expected from normal cell phones and cell phone usage, but under this new set of guidelines, Berkeley lawmakers are heightening the level of concern surrounding mobile devices.
The science around cell phone radiation has long been a contentious subject — whereas some dismiss claims of cell phone dangers as unwarranted hysterics, others insist that the lack of testing when it comes to cell phones in close proximity with our bodies has stunted the amount of information available. 
According to Environmental Health Trust’s Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Robert Morris, “If industry does not want to advise people about the fact that phones are not tested next to the body, then they should get the FCC to change its requirements for radiation testing. 
They cannot do this because, if phones were tested next to the body, they would be found to emit too much radiation to pass current standards.”
Other studies have also suggested a link between radiation exposure from cell phone usage and certain types of brain cancer.

Still, the skeptics remain thoroughly unimpressed, and even the American Cancer Society has noted that cancer cases observed in people who carry cellphones may be coincidental or anecdotal
And as Dr. Jerrold T. Bushberg, a medical physicist and a professor of radiology and radiation oncology at the University of California, Davis, told the New York Times, “We’ve been looking for signs of adverse effects at low levels for over 50 years without success. 
We can’t say it’s impossible, but if there is a risk it would be very, very low, or we would have seen an increase in brain cancers.”

Proponents of the new Berkeley ordinance, however, say that they’re simply exercising extra caution — after all, the warnings aren’t impinging upon anyone’s right to buy a cellphone. 
As Dr. Morris stated, “Over the past twenty years, cell phone use has exploded to the point where it is almost universal, but we have limited understanding of the potential risk caused by these devices. This may well be the largest uncontrolled public health experiment in human history.”
Morris noted that the health risks were uncertain, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, part of the World Health Organization) determined that the radiation emitted by cell phones was a possible cause of cancer.

Morris concluded that until more definitive research was conducted, “… it seems prudent to reduce exposures, especially when doing so can involve something as simple as using headphones. Improving consumers’ access to warnings about potential risks, warnings that are already in the phones, is a no-brainer.”


cell phone radiation CDC - Radiation: FAQs about Cell Phones and Your Health

By 1:12:00 PM
Most of us depend on cell phones every day. Some people wonder if cell phones can cause health problems. Here’s what you should know about cell phones and your health.

Can using a cell phone cause cancer?

There is no scientific evidence that provides a definite answer to that question. Some organizations recommend caution in cell phone use. More research is needed before we know if using cell phones causes health effects.

Do cell phones give off (emit) radiation?

Yes – cell phones and cordless phones use radiofrequency radiation (RF) to send signals. RF is different from other types of radiation (like x-rays) that we know can be harmful. We don’t know for sure if RF radiation from cell phones can cause health problems years later. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified RF radiation as a “possible human carcinogen.” (A carcinogen is an agent that causes cancer.)

Should people stop using cell phones?

At this time we do not have the science to link health problems to cell phone use. Scientific studies are underway to determine whether cell phone use may cause health effects. It is also important to consider the benefits of cell phones. Their use can be valuable in an urgent or emergency situation – and even save lives.
If you are worried about cell phone use, follow the tips below.

Senators urge FCC to enforce cell phone tower regulations

By 1:02:00 PM
WASHINGTON (WTNH) — Senator Richard Blumenthal is raising concerns about the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) efforts to ensure that those working in close proximity to cellular antennas are not exposed to dangerous levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation.

“Even though the FCC recommends that wireless carriers control exposure to harmful RF radiation using safety protocols such as signs, barricades, and training, it has come to our attention that these recommendations have not consistently been implemented to protect workers,” Blumenthal and Sen. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., wrote to the FCC chairman.

“Excessive exposure to RF radiation leads to well-documented potential harms, especially to workers who spend time near the antenna and in the line of the antenna’s beam.

At sufficient power levels and exposure durations, RF radiation has the ability to heat biological tissue. Thermal effects can include eye damage, sterility, and cognitive impairments,” they wrote.

The senators say one in 10 cell phone antenna sites violate FCC rules designed to protect workers from excessive radiofrequency radiation.

Does Cell-Phone Radiation Cause Cancer?

By 1:00:00 PM
Researchers investigating that question have gone back and forth over the years, a game of scientific pingpong that has divided the medical community and cell-phone users into two camps: those who think we should stop worrying so much about cell-phone radiation, and others who think that there’s enough evidence to warrant some cautionary advice.

Most Americans fall squarely on the “don’t worry” side. In a recent nationally representative Consumer Reports survey of 1,000 adults, only 5 percent said they were very concerned about the radiation from cell phones, and less than half took steps to limit their exposure to it.

Many respected scientists join them. “We found no evidence of an increased risk of brain tumors or any other form of cancer” from cell-phone radiation, says John Boice Jr., Sc.D., president of the National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements and a professor of medicine at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tenn. “The worry should instead be in talking or texting with your cell phone while driving.”

The U.S. government doesn’t seem very troubled, either. The Food and Drug Administration says on its website that research generally doesn’t link cell phones to any health problem.

And although the Federal Communications Commission requires manufacturers to include information in user manuals about cell-phone handling, that’s often buried deep in the fine print.

But not everyone is unconcerned. In May 2015, a group of 190 independent scientists from 39 countries, who in total have written more than 2,000 papers on the topic, called on the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and national governments to develop stricter controls on cell-phone radiation.

They point to growing research—as well as the classification of cell-phone radiation as a possible carcinogen in 2011 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the WHO—suggesting that the low levels of radiation from cell phones could have potentially cancer-causing effects.
“I think the overall evidence that wireless radiation might cause adverse health effects is now strong enough that it’s almost unjustifiable for government agencies and scientists not to be alerting the public to the potential hazards,” says David O. Carpenter, M.D., director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany in New York and one of the authors of the recent letter to the U.N. and WHO.

Some countries have taken steps to protect users, at least when it comes to children. For example, France, Russia, the U.K., and Zambia have either banned ads that promote phones’ sale to or use by children, or issued cautions for use by children.

The city council of Berkeley, Calif., has also acted. In May 2015, it approved a “Right to Know” law that requires electronics retailers to notify consumers about the proper handling of cell phones.
CTIA-The Wireless Association, a trade group, is now trying to block that law from going into effect, as it successfully did after San Francisco passed its own Right to Know law five years ago.

Of course, scientific seesawing like that doesn’t provide a lot of clarity or confidence for the 90 percent of American adults and roughly 80 percent of teens who report having a cell phone.

So how concerned should you be about cell-phone radiation? Consumer Reports’ health and safety experts conducted a thorough review of the research and offer some guidance.

What Is Cell-Phone Radiation, Anyway?

Your phone sends radiofrequency, or RF, waves from its antenna to nearby cell towers, and receives RF waves to its antenna from cell towers when you make a call or text or use data. The frequency of a cell phone’s RF waves falls between those emitted by FM radios and those from microwave ovens, all of which are considered “non-ionizing” forms of radiation.

That means that—unlike radiation from a nuclear explosion, a CT scan, or a standard X-ray—the radiation from your phone does not carry enough energy to directly break or alter your DNA, which is one way that cancer can occur. (FM radios and microwaves don’t raise alarms, in part because they aren’t held close to your head when in use and because microwave ovens have shielding that offers protection.)

How Could the Radiation From Cell Phones Cause Cancer?

At high power levels, RF waves can heat up water molecules (which is how microwave ovens work). Scientists used to focus their concerns on the possibility that such heating of human tissue, which is mostly water, might damage cells.

In fact, the FCC’s test of cell-phone emissions—which was set in 1996 and which all phones must pass before being allowed on the market—is based on that effect.

But most experts now aren’t concerned about that possible tissue heating caused by RF waves. Instead, what’s worrying some scientists are newer lab studies suggesting that exposure to cell-phone radiation can have biological effects without raising temperature.

In 2011, researchers at the National Institutes of Health showed that low-level radiation from an activated cell phone held close to a human head could change the way certain brain cells functioned, even without raising body temperature.

 The study did not prove that the effect on brain cells was dangerous, only that radiation from cell phones could have a direct effect on human tissue.

RF waves from cell phones have also been shown to produce “stress” proteins in human cells, according to research from Martin Blank, Ph.D., a special lecturer in the department of physiology and cellular biophysics at Columbia University and another signer of the recent letter to the WHO and U.N.

“These proteins are used for protection,” Blank says. “The cell is saying that RF is bad for me and it has to do something about it.”

And just this year, a German study found that RF waves promoted the growth of brain tumors in mice, again at radiation levels supposedly too low to raise body temperature.

The U.S. National Toxicology Program is now running an animal study of its own, exposing rats and mice to low-dose radiation. Results are expected in 2016.

What Do Cancer Studies in Human Populations Show?

The research above describes some lab and animal studies that looked at how cell-phone radiation might cause cancer or affect the body in other ways. But we also reviewed studies that investigated whether cell phones increased brain-cancer risk in humans.

We focused on five large population studies, plus follow-ups to those studies, that investigated that question. Together the studies included more than a million people worldwide, comparing cell-phone users with nonusers.

Though some findings were reassuring, others do raise concerns. Specifically, three of the studies—one from Sweden, another from France, and a third that combined data from 13 countries—suggest a connection between heavy cell-phone use and gliomas, tumors that are usually cancerous and often deadly.
One of those studies also hinted at a link between cell phones and acoustic neuromas (noncancerous tumors), and two studies hinted at meningiomas, a relatively common but usually not deadly brain tumor.

Though those findings are worrisome, none of the studies can prove a connection between cell phones and brain cancer, for several reasons. For one thing, cell-phone use in certain studies was self-reported, so it may not be accurate.

In addition, the findings might be influenced by the fact that the study subjects owned cell phones that were in some cases manufactured two decades ago. The way we use cell phones and the networks they’re operated on have also changed since then. Last, cancer can develop slowly over decades, yet the studies have analyzed data over only about a five- to 20-year span.

Are Today’s Phones Safer?

Cell-phone designs have changed a lot since the studies described above were completed. For example, the antennas—where most of the radiation from cell phones is emitted—are no longer located outside of phones near the top, closest to your brain when you talk, but are inside the phone, and they can be toward the bottom.

As a result, the antenna may not be held against your head when you’re on the phone. That’s important because when it comes to cell-phone radiation, every milli­meter counts: The strength of exposure drops dramatically as the distance from your body increases.

Perhaps our best protection is that more people today use phones to text instead of talk, and headphones and earbuds are growing in popularity. On the other hand, it’s also true that we use cell phones much more than we used to, so our overall exposure may be greater.

So Should I Stop Using My Cell Phone?

No, Consumer Reports does not think that’s necessary. But we do have some concerns.

“The evidence so far doesn’t prove that cell phones cause cancer, and we definitely need more and better research,” says Michael Hansen, Ph.D., a senior scientist at Consumer Reports.

“But we feel that the research does raise enough questions that taking some common-sense precautions when using your cell phone can make sense.” Specifically, CR recommends these steps:
  • Try to keep the phone away from your head and body. That is particularly important when the cellular signal is weak—when your phone has only one bar, for example—because phones may increase their power then to compensate.
  • Text or video call when possible.
  • When speaking, use the speaker phone on your device or a hands-free headset.
  • Don’t stow your phone in your pants or shirt pocket. Instead, carry it in a bag or use a belt clip.

Judge Upholds Berkeley Cellphone Ordinance To Warn Customers About Radiation

By 1:21:00 AM
Judge Upholds Berkeley Cellphone Ordinance To Warn Customers About Radiation: A federal judge has mostly upheld a new Berkeley ordinance that requires cellphone sellers to warn customers about keeping their cellphones too close to their bodies.

Shocking new cell phone radiation study reveals increased brain tumor risk for children

Posted: 05 May 2015 12:00 PM PDT
The study concluded if children continue using their cell phones in this way, many would be at increased risk of specific brain tumors by their mid-teens. The concern becomes even more alarming given the vast majority of the junior high school students ...


Cell phones and breast cancer – are they connected?

Posted: 30 Sep 2015 09:15 PM PDT
But is the habit a good idea? Dr. Ashley Hendrix (Photo: WKRN) News 2 went to Dr. Ashley Hendrix, a breast surgeon at TriStar Summit Medical Center, to find out if there's a possible connection between cell phone radiation exposure and breast cancer in ...

Posted: 15 Mar 2014 02:36 AM PDT
Cell-phone shields may do little to protect you -- and scientists say they're unnecessary. Continue reading →

Thursday, February 18, 2016