Electromagnetic radiation emitting devices such as mobile phones, Bluetooth, PDA’s, Computers, Tablets, Laptops and so on, have been linked to various stress-induced problems and serious illnesses.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Facts About Radiation In Phones

Dr Charlie Teo (head of neurosurgery at Sydney St. Vincent’s Hospital) and other doctors believe that there is a direct correlation between the use of mobile phones and brain tumours.

Long term exposure affects the body, particularly its electrical organ, and the brain, which is compounded by numerous simultaneous exposures of continuous waves of radiation from radio, TV transmitter towers, cordless phones, power lines and wireless WIFI computing devices.

There is a significant and increasing body of evidence, to date at least eight comprehensive clinical studies internationally and one long-term meta-analysis for a link between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumours.

The “incubation time” may be in the order of 10-20 years. In the years 2008-2012, we will have reached the appropriate length of follow-up time to begin to definitively observe the impact of this global technology on brain tumour incidence rates.

There is enough evidence available to warrant Industry and Governments alike to take immediate steps to reduce exposure of consumers to mobile phone related electromagnetic radiation and to make consumers clearly aware of the potential dangers and how to use this technology sensibly and safely.

The public health ramifications could be similar, if not greater than asbestos and smoking and directly concerns all of us, particularly the younger generation.

Because of our concern, we searched the world to find an effective product to help harmonize the level of EMR and EMF being emitted from mobile telephones, computers, televisions, microwaves and other home and office systems.  We found these:

Tips on Safer Phone Usage

1. Do not sleep with mobile phone in your bedroom as it continuously emits phones give off 216.7 Hz of radiation continuously?

2. Always use your Mobile Cell iPhone on hands free or speak phone. Still not ideal, however, better than holding phone 5/8ths of an inch from your ear as all phone manufacturers recommend.

3. Cordless phones emit more radiation than mobiles; limit your time on the phone. The cordless phone base station is the equivalent to having a Cell Phone Tower in your home!

4. Do not store your iPhone or Smart phone anywhere on your body, such as in your suit pocket (over your heart), pants pocket (over your testicles) or back pocket (over you hip joints), and certainly not in the pram or anywhere near babies heads (as their thin skulls are way more susceptible to radiation). 
Keep your iPhone or Smart Phone in bag or place it into something.

5. Do not let young children play with your iPhone or Smart phone, or keep them occupied by talking or listening to them – not even the Games component unless there is no active SIM card or it is on Flight Mode.

6. Try not to use earpieces as they can act as a conduit to for radiation and EMF to travel directly to the ear and brain.

7. EMR and EMF has an accumulative effect on our bodies and become addictive. It is like smoking – try to be as aware as possible.
Showing Heat when with phone radiation to head


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