Electromagnetic radiation emitting devices such as mobile phones, Bluetooth, PDA’s, Computers, Tablets, Laptops and so on, have been linked to various stress-induced problems and serious illnesses.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Cell phone radiation DOES harm your baby and may cause hyperactivity, study says

By 7:09:00 PM
Attention pregnant women: put down your cellphone.

Cellphone radiation exposure during pregnancy impacts fetal brain development and may cause hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers say.

Dr. Hugh Taylor, a medical professor and chief of Yale's Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, co-authored a recent study to probe the impact of cellphone exposure on pregnancies.
Warning: Cellphone radiation exposure during pregnancy impacts fetal brain development and may cause hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers say 

We had pregnant mice in cages and we just simply put a cellphone on top of the cage.

In half the mice, the cellphone was active and in half of the ... cages the cellphone was turned off so it wasn't transmitting a signal at all,' Taylor said.
Taylor said the researchers allowed the mice to give birth and waited until offspring were young adults before behaviors were tested.

'The mice exposed to cellphones were more active,' Taylor said. 'Their memory was slightly decreased ... these mice were basically bouncing off the walls and didn't have a care in the world.'


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